RENORBIO/UFRPE carries out a series of social impact actions. The activities carried out from 2017 to 2020 are described below:


Impact and innovative character of intellectual production 


Awards were given to works by RENORBIO students with an innovative impact, for example:

2019 - Honorable Mention for the authorship in a patent filing entitled: Standardized raw material obtained from Cannabis sativa roots for pharmaceutical purposes at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop of Vale do São Francisco.

2019 - Honorable mention of works presented at the VIIth Medicinal Plants Symposium of the São Francisco Valley and 1st France-Brazil Meeting on Natural Products as well as award for best student works at the 21st Scientific Initiation Journey of FACEPE.

2019 - Honorable Mention in the Congress of the Brazilian Chemical Society in the Young Talent Category.

2019 - Honorable Mention in the Brazilian Congress of Animal Reproduction.

2018 - Honorable Mention in the Northeast Genetics Meeting.


Economic, social and cultural impact of the program


RENORBIO graduates work as professors in several undergraduate courses recently created and help to consolidate existing courses, mainly in the internalization of HEIs in the Northeast and in Federal Institutes.

Prof. Mateus Matiuzzi approved, together with FACEPE, the Scientific Dissemination project: Microbiology at School: “Bringing the Invisible to the Light of Knowledge”, to be developed in rural schools in Petrolina/PE. 

Prof. Ana Porto coordinates extension projects that aim to integrate the community and the high school/elementary school with the university, developing different activities with students and teachers of basic education. So far, more than 150 students have benefited. She also worked on the e-book project as a Pedagogical Tool to facilitate Science learning in Elementary School. She organized (2020) the I Webinar on Biotechnology Applied to Fisheries and Aquaculture, an extension event aimed at professionals in the Fisheries and Aquaculture area. The event was held online and facilitated the participation of several professionals. It is also worth mentioning the elaboration of the e-book of Practices of Biochemistry Applied to Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Prof. Tatiana Porto in partnership with Prof. Osmar Soares coordinate projects with high school students in order to arouse their interest in science. Professor Tatiana Porto/UFRPE held the Workshop “New trends in Graduate Studies: a strategic vision in Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation”. The II Workshop focused on "Oil spills on the Brazilian coast: socio-environmental impacts and treatment technologies", in collaboration with the Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense/UNESC.

Prof. Leonie Asfora/UNICAP taught a mini-course for children (2019) entitled: “Biodetergent Production Workshop” for 10-year-olds, which took place at the XVII Integration Week at the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP).

RENORBIO participates in the event “Pint of Science” (, the largest international event for scientific dissemination in the world through lectures in simplified language to the lay public. The event takes place simultaneously in more than 20 countries, with Brazil being the country with the largest number of municipalities involved in the event. Prof. José Vitor from RENORBIO/UFRPE coordinates the event in Recife.

RENORBIO/UFRPE provides guidance on the correct use of medicinal plants in the municipality of Petrolina, an activity of the “Programa Petrolina Mais Forte na Saúde”. Similar work with the “CVT sertão agroecológico” project, which aims to promote Agroecology and Organic Production in Family Farmers and the Territorial Network of Agroecology of the Sertão do São Francisco PE/BA.